A brief introduction Library of Mahdi’ism

Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences (NOOR) endeavors to thoroughly cover all his users from the aspect of various scientific contents and present Islamic sciences and humanities in various digital formats. In this regard, in a precious attempt, NOOR has developed the software "Library of Mahdi’ism". NOOR considers this attainment as a Divine Grace. We hope that this product would be useful in better knowing and making spiritual relationship with Imam Mahdi (May God hasten his advent).

Software content

• Full text of 311 books in 645 volumes of the works related to Imam Mahdi (A.S) in Arabic and Persian on such subjects as Mahdi’ism in the Qur’an, the Hadiths related to Mahdi’ism, the Sunnis and Mahdi’ism, duties of the awaiters, signs of reappearance, questions and answers on Mahdi’ism, supplication and ziyarats on Mahdi’ism, statements and epistles of Imam Mahdi, poems on Mahdi’ism, the government of Imam Mahdi, Mahdi’ism in other schools and religions, bibliography of Mahdi’ism, false claimants and devious sects
• Categorization of the Program books on the topics of: the Shi‘a, the Sunnis, Arabic, Persian, texts and translation, hadith, resources of researches and studies
Offering books such as al-Ghaybah (Nu`mani), al-Ghaybah (Shaykh Tousi), Kamal al-Din (Shaykh Sadouq), Muntakhab al-Athar, Mu`jam Ahadith al-Imam al-Mahdi (A.S), al-Imam al-Mahdi (A.S) fi al-Qur'an wa al-Sunnah, Asalat-e Mahdaviat dar Islam az Didgah-e Ahl-e Tasannon, Falsafe-ye Hokumat-e 'Adl-e Elahi, Farhang-name-ye Mahdaviat

Book list

Number of books
Number of disks 1 DVD
Disk type CD
Date of manufacture
Has a network version @Ph.No
Required storage space
Type of software
UI Language
App version
Software Size 0.58 GB
Version description <p>.</p>
• Display
- Accessi to the text and contents of all works available in the Program
- Possibility to choose Tree and Selective Lists and their linkage with the text along with reciprocal conforming of texts and the contents
- Option for selecting title, volume and page number of a book, along with the possibility of expanding the page of a text or the contents to full screen mode
- Option for comparing two pieces of text from the same or different books simultaneously
- Limiting the range of a text and the contents to required books
- Capability of preserving each of selected texts or contents independently for convenient later accesses
• Search
- Standard and advanced searches in texts and the contents of books of the Program
- Capability of preserving the search results separately for convenient later accesses
- Limiting the search range to a required text or texts along with special options
- Making lists using wild cards (* and ?) to prepare dynamic and various lists out of words
• Related books
- Option for linking between texts available in the program and comparing them with one another
- Convenient access to the verses existing in the texts of the Program
• Dictionary
- Full text of several dictionaries with the access to roots and derivatives
- Linkage between words of texts and dictionaries for convenient access to definitions
• Active Research
- Linkage between the text and the contents with other parts of the Program including Display, Search, the Qur’an, Dictionary and Book Info
- Option to send the selected text to clipboard or to an MS-Word document
• Book Info
- Accessibility to useful information of each book available in the Program, their authors and publication
• Note taking
- Possibility to transfer a required text or table of contents to the Program Notepad
- Ability to edit and save the transferred text in Notepad page
- Ability to transfer a text from Notepad to an MS-Word document
• Print
- Capability to print a required text or table of contents along with various options
• Help
- Access to helpful information for better familiarity with various parts of the Program
• Research Options
- Possibility to add indexes, annotations, highlights and bookmarks to texts with the purpose of retrieving the materials faster and recording more information related to the texts in the Program
- Ability to organize research options by the user
• Side Options
- Accessibility to some popular keyboard layouts as well as sets of fonts for applying the software conveniently
- Possibility to customize a path for saving researches with various options
- Ability to show or hide diacritics and the header in the texts of the Program

برای دانلود لازم است ابتدا وارد سیستم شوید یا ثبت نام کنید.
برای خرید نسخه دانلودی از دکمه زیر استفاده نمایید.
Software Size: 611 MB  


با انتخاب لینک دانلود محصول با هدایت به بانک پرداخت کنید.


پس از پرداخت آنلاین مبلغ و بازگشت به سایت، لینک دانلود نرم‌افزار برای شما فعال می گردد و شما می توانید نرم‌افزار را دانلود نمایید. لینک دانلود نرم‌افزار برای همیشه در پروفایل شما وجود دارد و شما می توانید در هر زمانی با مراجعه به سایت اقدام به دانلود نمایید.


علاوه بر لینک دانلود، کد فعال سازی نیز در اختیار شما قرار می گیرد. این کد فعال سازی، در پروفایل شما همیشه قابل دریافت می باشد. استفاده از سریال فعالسازی بسیار ساده می باشد. اطلاعات بیشتر

Procedure for Purchasing via PayPal:

  1. 1. By paying the price of the software program via PayPal portal, the download link as well as the serial number will be activated in your user account.
  2. 2. After being diverted to the relevant website and having paid the price of the product, the serial number will be mailed to you and the download link will be activated in your profile.
  3. 3. Note: To activate the download link, please create in our Website an email account to be used for PayPal account.

Software Size: 0.58 GB Price : 20
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محمدرضا سیصد و سیزده

السلام علیکم برادران شیعی یک نرم‌افزار بسیار عالیییییییییی که بنده خریدم و خیلی راضی بودم خدا خیرتون بده برنامه های جامع الاحادیث،جامع التفاسیر و این نرم افزار را بشدت توصیه میکنم. فی امان الله

Admin Answer
Site Admin

ممنون از شما

امین رخشانی هوشیار

سلام بعد از Extract کردن فایل فشرده متاسفانه اجرا نشده و خطا می دهد . ویندوز من 10 هست . لطفا بررسی بفرمایید

Admin Answer
Site Admin

لطفا نرم افزار( NoorDesk.exe) ) را از این آدرس(http://b2n.ir/karbar3 ) نصب و سپس با امور کاربران به شماره 02532936271 تماس بگیرید تا بررسی نمایند.