A brief introduction Islamic Mysticism 3

The CRCIS had launched the first version of “’Irfan” (Islamic mysticism) in 1998. It contained most important mystical works such as al-Futouhat al-Makkiyyah, Fusous al-Hikam, Misbah al-Uns, Meftah al-Ghayb, Sharh Fusous of Qaysari and Tamhid al-Qawa‘id. The content of that version revolved around the textbooks in the field of mysticism.
The CRCIS developed the second version of this software program in 2006 with an emphasis on the theoretical mysticism. In that version first the book Fusous al-Hikam was selected as the most scholarly text in the field of mysticism, and then the significant commentaries on it were collected and added. This attempt made it easy for the researchers in the field of mysticism, especially for those who study the works of Ibn al-‘Arabi. However, considering the fact that the collection of theoretical mysticism in that version was incomplete and that the books written in the field of practical mysticism have a high status in Islamic knowledge, the CRCIS was determined to develop the third version of this product.

Software content

• Full text of 805 mystical books and treatises in 1258 volumes on such subjects as:
- Generations and biographies of mystics
- Terminology
- Mystical commentary of the Quran
- Theoretical mysticism
- Practical mysticism
- Mystical literature
- Literary mysticism
- Theosophy
- Occult sciences
- Mystical jurisprudence
- Islamic ethics
- Dua
- Bibliography
• Classification of the books into the following categories:
- Theoretical mysticism
- Practical mysticism
- Mystical literature
- Mystical commentary of the Quran
- Generations and biographies of mystics
- Terminology
- Poems and commentaries
- Arabic books
- Farsi books
• Searching through over 197,800 chapter titles through Selective List
• 7 sets of general, and terminological dictionaries
• Access to biographies of over 2200 Muslim mystics in the section “Mystics Generations”
• Over 200 books from among old literary-mystical texts

Book list

Number of books
Number of disks 1 DVD
Disk type CD
Date of manufacture
Has a network version @Ph.No
Required storage space
Type of software
UI Language
App version
Software Size 0.84 GB
Version description <p>.</p>
• Display
- Accessibility to the text and contents of the books available in the Program
- Tree and Selective List and linkage between them and the books along with bilaterally matching the text with table of contents
- Scrolling though the texts by book title, volume No, and page No as well as expanding either the text window or the contents window
- Comparing two texts from the same book or different books
- Limiting the range of books to specific books
- Tabbed browsing with the capability to keep the text location for later convenient access
• Search
- Standard and advanced searching in the text and the contents of the books
- Capability to preserve the search results in separate tabs for later convenient access
- Limiting the search range to specific books
- Making lists by wildcards (* and ?) to provide various dynamic lists out of words
• Dictionary
- Several sets of Arabic dictionaries with the possibility of searching through roots and derivatives
- Dynamic linkage between the texts and the Dictionary section
• Dynamic research
- Linkage between the texts and tables of contents with other parts of the Program like Display, Search, Qur’an, Dictionary and Book Info.
- Copying selected text to clipboard or editing applications as MS Word
• Bibliography or Book Info
- Accessibility to helpful bibliographical information of each book as well as biography of their compilers
• Note taking
- Possibility of copying the required text or table of contents to Notepad
- Editing and saving the text copied to Notepad
- Possibility of copying the text from Notepad to an MS-Word document
• Print
- Possibility of  printing the user’s required text or contents with numerous capabilities
• Help
- Accessibility to helpful explanations to gain more familiarity with different parts of the Program
• Research capabilities
- Adding Indexes, annotations, highlights and bookmarks to texts with the aim of faster retrieval of the information
- Possibility of organizing the research capabilities of the Program by the user
• Peripheral options
- Accessibility to different keyboard layouts and various sets of fonts for customizing the Program
- Possibility of specifying a path to save the research works
- Possibility of showing or hiding the diacritic marks

برای دانلود لازم است ابتدا وارد سیستم شوید یا ثبت نام کنید.
برای خرید نسخه دانلودی از دکمه زیر استفاده نمایید.
Software Size: 642 MB  


با انتخاب لینک دانلود محصول با هدایت به بانک پرداخت کنید.


پس از پرداخت آنلاین مبلغ و بازگشت به سایت، لینک دانلود نرم‌افزار برای شما فعال می گردد و شما می توانید نرم‌افزار را دانلود نمایید. لینک دانلود نرم‌افزار برای همیشه در پروفایل شما وجود دارد و شما می توانید در هر زمانی با مراجعه به سایت اقدام به دانلود نمایید.


علاوه بر لینک دانلود، کد فعال سازی نیز در اختیار شما قرار می گیرد. این کد فعال سازی، در پروفایل شما همیشه قابل دریافت می باشد. استفاده از سریال فعالسازی بسیار ساده می باشد. اطلاعات بیشتر

Procedure for Purchasing via PayPal:

  1. 1. By paying the price of the software program via PayPal portal, the download link as well as the serial number will be activated in your user account.
  2. 2. After being diverted to the relevant website and having paid the price of the product, the serial number will be mailed to you and the download link will be activated in your profile.
  3. 3. Note: To activate the download link, please create in our Website an email account to be used for PayPal account.

Software Size: 0.84 GB Price : 20
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سلام بنده تاکنون اغلب نرم افزار های ارزشمند شما را با وجود وسع کمی ک داشتم خریداری کردم الان ک نسخه جدیدی از نرم افزار ها ارائه شده بنده باید دوباره نسخه جدید را هم خریداری کنم یا تخفیفاتی یا تسهیلاتی برای این تدارک دیدید؟

Admin Answer
Site Admin

با ارائه نسخه ی قبلی در نمایندگی های اصلی مرکز میتوانید با هفتاد درصد تخفیف نسخه جدید را دریافت کنید

امیرحسن شریفی تربتی

با عرض سلام و خسته نباشید و تشکر از نرم افزارهای عالی شما. همانطور که مستحضر هستید نرم افزار فلش پلیر به طور خودکار از روی آپدیت های جدید ویندوز 10 پاک و غیرفعال شده است. بنابراین چند نرم افزار بر روی رایانه من قابل اجرا نیست؛ از جمله عرفان 3. میخواستم اگر امکان دارد بنده را راهنمایی فرمایید که اگر راهی جز تغییر نسخه ویندوز دارد آن را انجام بدهم. با تشکر

Admin Answer
Site Admin

باسلام واحترام لطفا با شماره 0253296271بخش امور کاربران جهت راهنمایی تماس بگیرید.

Amin Khodaparast

سلام از نسخه دانلودی استفاده می کنم و وقتی وارد قسمت جستجو میشم، خود به خود از نرم افزار خارج میشه. این مشکل رو چجوری حل کنم؟

Admin Answer
Site Admin

لطفا نرم افزار( NoorDesk.exe) ) را از این آدرس(http://b2n.ir/karbar3 ) نصب و سپس با امور کاربران به شماره 02532936271 تماس بگیرید